The plane descends through a thick layer of pillowy clouds, emerging above in a vast landscape of lush green farmlands. Like a beginner's quilt, plots of various shapes and sizes are patchworked together into a haphazard but overwhelmingly picturesque pattern. The farms are broken up by rivers, thick and thin, twisting together and splitting apart again, tangled into a beautiful mess of brown knots disturbing the parallel and perpendicular lines of the farms.
The plane ride itself was a nightmare, not for any particular reason, but for a millions small reasons. The food, no sleep, bad movies, long lines in customs. But after 15 hours in the air, I have finally arrived in the place I've thought, dreamed, hoped, worried, and fantasized about for the past year or so. The Rio de Plata is no longer a figure in my imagination but is an actual concrete land formation 30,000 feet below my eyes, the Argentine people are now surrounding me on this dense train, and the food of Argentina is now in my mouth (if plane food counts). All the expecations, aspirations, and worries are finally taking some sort of solid form.
La adventura esta empeciendo.
Ay ay me gusta! Keep 'em coming!